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Making the world’s best dog denim since 2014.
The team at Pethaus
" Our Mission is to make cool quality pet gear that gives your dog the ultimate street cred" 
*Contact form at bottom of page 
Good design, comfort and authenticity are very important to us. We make quality dog gear that even we would wear.
The Pethaus denim difference is strong 12 oz denim, custom brass snaps, full lining, harness holes and years of experience fitting dog breeds of all shapes and sizes. Plus we give a shit about making the coolest best quality gear possible. 
This isn’t just any denim dog vest, it’s the original and the best.
It all started when our new puppy ‘Willie’ the shaky English Toy Terrier joined our family. He needed a coat so as big fans of rock and metal music we made him a tiny denim battle vest patched up with Onslaught and Venom patches to match his parents style. It was such a hit around the streets of Melbourne we were soon making them for dogs worldwide.
Our classic denim only gets better with age and is made to last a life time. Join the coolest dogs world wide and become part of the Pethaus Pack. 
Who the heck are we? 
The Humans :      
Matt has played in bands in New Zealand and Australia for over 20 years, he was frontman of NZ heavy garage rock bands Slavetraderand HiTone Destroyers. Now fronting Melbourne band Levitating Churches you can also find his epic (and often controversial) poster art up around Melbourne streets. Look for the 'No Squares or Hippies' tag.
In Matt's out of control record collection you can find anything from Dead Moon and Rocky Erickson to Slayer and Dark Throne. He's constantly got another battle jacket project on the go with an unhealthy collection patched up denim and leather vests and jackets. 
Matt Johnstone Pethaus
Mel has worked in fashion for over 25 years, starting out as a purveyor of street wear and high end denim in NZ and finding herself in Australia sourcing vintage fashion from all over the world. With this kind a access at her finger tips her insane collection of vintage denim has its own wardrobe, including countless pairs of 70's and 80's faberge jeans and crazy vintage labels including her fav 1970's mini denim shorts by "Cougar".
Sharing Matt's passion for music she also brings a vast knowledge of denim, fashion and vintage to the Pethaus brand. 
Mel Westwood Pethaus
The Felines:          
'Diego', Captain of cuddles and all round good guy.  
'Cowboy', Dude with all the attitude, best ever death stare.  (Abyssinian's)
The Pooch:            
'Willie', One tiny little dog with a whole lot of attitude! Willie the English Toy Terrierpretty much runs the show around here.
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